The overall aim of AgriDemo-F2F was to enhance peer-to-peer learning within the commercial farming community. The project used the experience of different actors and involved practitioner partners throughout the project to deepen understanding of effective on farm demonstration activities (multi-actor approach) and to develop AKIS governance and policies recommendations. This project brought actions from the Chambers of Agriculture to the fore in Europe. It also created a network on a European scale.
AC3A and the Regional Chamber of Brittany carried out a inventory of demonstration farms. They identified and selected case studies for the analysis and identification of best practices for demonstration activities. They also contributed to other project outcomes, in particular – the FarmDemo Hub, a web community of European farmers.
FarmDemo Hub ; 1 Design guide for on-farm demonstrations 1 webinar vidéo “FarmDemo Hub Tutoriel” ; 4 political info notes; 1 Best practice guide for on-farm demonstration activities EN FR ; 1 recommendation for AKIS governance and policies on support for farmer-to-farmer learning approaches.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 728061. The project ended in June 2019.