
The Regional Chamber of Agriculture of Brittany

Priorities for the regional chamber

Brittany is a land of livestock and vegetable production. This region produces mainly milk, poultry, pigs, veal calves and vegetables, so the agriculture and the food industry occupy an important place in the economy and employment. It also faces many challenges. The chamber of agriculture has 5 priorities:

  • Renewing agricultural generations,
  • Supporting the ecological, economic and social transitions of farms
  • Rerritorial development
  • Representing farmers to public authorities
  • Implementating public services: new farm installation, identification in particular.

In order to respond to these priorities, the Chambers provide training, support for groups of farmers, research and development, and innovation development.

European cooperation

Even though Brittany is in competition with other leading agricultural regions in Europe, they too must face the same challenges: economic profitability, climate change, renewal of generations, etc. Europe is the relevant scale for developing innovation that will make it possible to collectively respond to these challenges and regions are the relevant scale for testing them. The Chamber of Agriculture of Brittany strives to develop its European connections with the world of agricultural research and development through various programmes and cooperation projects.

The Chambers of this region are involved in the following projects with AC3A:


BUFFER+ Buffer carbon and water in peatlands: landscape-based solutions for climate adaptation PROGRAMME : Interreg North West Europe PRIORITY : Smart climate and environmental resilience for NWE territories SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE…


HY4RES Hybrid solutions for Renewable Energy Systems: achieving net-zero Atlantic area energy consumers & communities. PROGRAMME : Interreg Atlantic Area PRIORITY : Blue and Green Environment SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE : 2.4…


AgriDemo-F2F Building an interactive AgriDemo-hub community: enhancing farmer to farmer learning PROGRAMME : Horizon 2020 PRIORITY : RUR-11-2016 On-farm demonstrations: deepening farmer-to-farmer learning mechanisms PARTENARSHIP CHAMBRES oF AGRICULTURE : AC3A,…


Detecte Territorial economic development, circular economy and energy transition PROGRAMME : PSDR4 PRIORITY : Territorial economic development, circular economy and energy transition PARTNERSHIP – CHAMBERS OF AGRICULTURE: AC3A, sub-contractors Chambers…

FABulous Farmers-en

FABulous Farmers Functional AgroBiodiversity (FAB) to reduce use of resources PROGRAMME : Interreg North-West Europe PRIORITY : Resource & materials efficiency PARTNERSHIP – CHAMBERS OF AGRICULTURE: AC3A, sub-partners Regional Chambers…