The Atlantic Arc idea came about in France 30 years ago and still today in France this Atlantic vision is particularly strong. This demonstrates the significant presence of the French regions in the general activity of the Atlantic Arc. This interest is also highlighted by institutional networks of cities, socio-professional organisations, Chambers of agriculture and even universities that have set up collaboration projects around the Atlantic area before also reashing beyond national borders. This Atlantic idea therefore remains more than ever full of future prospects.
For our territories located in the middle of the North and the South of Western Europe, Atlantic cooperation has a pivotal importance. It contributes to highlighting our geographic, economic, social and cultural specificities while remaining essential to the European equilibrium.
Atlantic cooperation has contributed to bringing populations and cultures together, thereby creating a true European sense of belonging. Moreover, cooperation gives Europe meaning and brings it closer to its citizens.
The Association of the Chambers of Agriculture of the Atlantic Arc is a network composed of 28 Chambers of agriculture from the Atlantic area. When implementing its activities, AC3A ensures the following:
Since 1993, AC3A organises a conference in one of its four regions. During these summer meet-ups, AC3A welcomes Members of the European Parliament, EU Commission representatives civil servants, representatives of Permanent representation bodies in Brussels and international experts in the fields of agriculture development, global markets and sectoral policies.
Atlantic Arc Commission Website:
Atlantic Cities website:
Economic, social and environmental regional boards websites: