The i2connect project aims to improve the skills of advisers to support and facilitate interactive innovation processes responding to the multiple challenges that European agriculture and forestry are facing today.
i2connect will use existing networks of advisers and success stories from different contexts to create a wider network of support for innovation. This resource of more than 40,000 advisers is essential for agriculture and forestry.
An inventory of the current state of advisory practices in Europe will be carried out. Best practices across Europe will be analysed interactively to guide the development of approaches and tools, and will be explored as part of an adviser training programme. A group of trainers will be trained to work with this material as part of the training and coaching of advisers. Some advisers can join cross-visit teams to study interesting cases in other countries.
i2Connect has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 863039