Co-construct the future of peatlands with the local

The future of peatlands depends on cooperation with local stakeholders! Previous Next From 16 to 18 April 2024, the partners of the Interreg NWE BUFFER+ project met in the town of Geel in Flanders, an opportunity to discover emblematic wetlands … Read More

Access SCALE-UP training resources

Access SCALE-UP training resources Missed the first SCALE-UP training sessions on the bioeconomy? The presentations are now available on the website! Access the presentations and reports by clicking on the links below:   EFFICIENT REGIONAL BIOMASS LOGISTICS AND INFRASTRUCTURE – … Read More

ICaRE4Farms project comes to an end

ICaRE4Farms project comes to an end The 4-year-long journey of the ICaRE4Farms project about the use of solar thermal energy in agriculture ends in December 2023, and the consortium partners remain committed to further encourage the adoption of this effective … Read More

Applications open for Credible project technical groups

Applications open for Credible project technical groups AC3A is delighted to be part of the Credible project, an EU-funded coordination action via the HORIZON Europe program, representing 21 organisations from Spain, Italy, Greece, Belgium, the Netherlands, Finland and France. The … Read More

Webinar Replay

Webinar Replay On June 13th 2023, we hosted a webinar titled “Solar Thermal Energy in Agriculture – Supporting technology uptake and political incentives”. The webinar highlighted the advantages of next-generation STE systems for a greener future and aimed to encourage support and funding … Read More

Webinar on solar thermal energy

Webinaire on solar thermal energy On June 13th 2023, we hosted a webinar titled “Solar Thermal Energy in Agriculture – Supporting technology uptake and political incentives”. The webinar highlighted the advantages of next-generation STE systems for a greener future and aimed to encourage … Read More

Demonstrating solar thermal energy in Britanny

Demonstrating solar thermal energy in Britanny As part of the Innov’action event, visit a farm using a sustainable energy source for heating water On 20 June, from 13h30-17h, if you are nearby, you can drop in to the GAEC FROMONT … Read More

SCALE-UP Project Launches Regional Platforms for Bio-based Innovation

SCALE-UP Project Launches Regional Platforms for Bio-based Innovation By bringing together key stakeholders in six regions across Europe, the Horizon Europe funded project SCALE-UP aims to promote participatory governance and co-creation of bio-based solutions to support rural bioeconomy development. The … Read More

Towards the certification of carbon credits to restore peatlands

Restore peatlands : publication of a European methodology towards the certification of carbon credits Great news for Europe’s peatlands! AC3A and its European partners in the Interreg Carbon Connects project have published a carbon crediting methodology for valuing these carbon … Read More

Support the Transition to a Circular Bioeconomy

Support the Transition to a Circular Bioeconomy The EU-funded SCALE-UP project will support regional multi-actor partnerships to fully exploit their bio-economy potential. An innovative, circular and resource-efficient bioeconomy can offer social and economic opportunities to entrepreneurs in rural areas while … Read More


SCALE-UP Concepts, Tools and Applications for Community-driven Bioeconomy Development in European Rural Areas PROGRAMME : Horizon Europe TYPE OF ACTION: Coordination and support (CSA) – Cluster 6 “Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment” REGIONAL PARTNERSHIP : AC3A with local … Read More

ICaRE4Farms at the SPACE Rennes 2022

ICaRE4Farms at the SPACE Rennes 2022 In September 2022, ICaRE4Farms had a stand at the SPACE international exhibition for animal breeding which takes place every year in Rennes, France. The exhibition saw more than 90,000 visitors – of which … Read More

Visit ICaRE4Farms at SPACE Rennes 2022

Visit ICaRE4Farms at SPACE Rennes 2022 ICaRE4Farms stand Discover solar thermal energy and its applications in agriculture 13, 14, 15 September 2022 – Rennes (France)   AC3A, the Regional Chamber of Agriculture of Pays de la Loire and other partners … Read More

17-20 May  : Solar PV and solar thermal energy week

17-20 May  : Solar PV and solar thermal energy week Solar thermal energy Open Days! Visit ICaRE4Farms pilot site in St Georges du Rosay, and another example of solar thermal energy at the farm in Bouchamps les Craons. Within the … Read More

Getting into hot water

Getting into hot water New video from the ICaRE4Farms project Discover the solar thermal energy system and how it works Solar thermal energy is innovative and renewable and can easily be implemented on our farms. It is a technology … Read More


“Sustainable farming for peatlands”               SAVE THE DATE ! SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE FOR PEATLANDS   On December 14 and 21, 2021, the European Carbon Connects project invites you to participate in two European conferences that will address the … Read More

AC3A Congress 2021 in Dax

AC3A Congress 2021 in Dax The AC3A Congress 2021 took place in Dax on 25 and 26 August. The event started withe the AGM and this was followed by 2 round tables/debates on the following topics : The priorities for … Read More

ICaRE4Farms – the pilot site at the EARL du Boulay

ICaRE4Farms – the pilot site at the EARL du Boulay The installation of a solar thermal power plant at the farm ‘EARL du Boulay’ in St-Georges-du-Rosay (France) – hot water for animal feed.  Objective of the ICaRE4Farms project The objective … Read More

FABulous Farmers is extended until 2023!

FABulous Farmers se poursuivra jusqu’en 2023 ! The partners of the Interreg NWE FABulous Farmers project have recently won the call for capitalisation. The aim is to improve the uptake of the FAB measures developed in the project and maximise … Read More

Carbon Connects wins Interreg capitalisation call

Carbon Connects wins Interreg capitalisation call The Carbon Connects project partners have recently won the second Interreg NWE ‘capitalisation’ call for projects. This success implies an extension of budget and project until December 2023, with new activities to maximise the … Read More

AC3A is recruting

AC3A is recruting AC3A is looking for 2 project officers to join its team : A ‘Digital training’ project officer for the FAIRSHARE project Download the job offer (in French) ________________________ A ‘Public policy and economy’ project officer for the … Read More

Replay – Towards a FABulous CAP

Replay – Towards a FABulous CAP On Friday 11 June 2021, the conference “Towards a FABulous CAP”, a European event on functional agrobiodiversity, took place. The event aimed to answer the following question: How can the EU support the uptake … Read More

Towards a FABulous CAP- FABulous Farmers conference

Towards a FABulous CAP – FABulous Farmers conference Online conference on 11 June 2021 from 10:00 to 13:00 (CET)  Register here. You should automatically recieve the link after registration, if you do not have it, please contact us. This free online conference will … Read More

First newsletter of ICaRE4Farms

First newsletter from ICaRE4Farms Did you know? That installing 1 solar thermal energy STE panel can save up to 500kg of CO2 in 1 year when replacing natural gas. More information on solar thermal energy in the first newsletter from … Read More

Carbon Connects Webinar on Irish Pilot Site

Carbon Connects Webinar on Irish Pilot Site We invite you to watch the webinar on the Irish pilot site and its Carbon Connects activities organised the 10 July 2020. Click on the link to watch : Find out … Read More

Kicking off ICaRE4Farms

Kicking off the projet ICaRE4Farms ICaRE4Farms (I4F) intends to boost the use of solar thermal energy (STE) in farming in NWE, to contribute to reduce GHG emissions and increase the share of renewable energies, to help the transition to a … Read More

FIELDS project kick-off meeting

FIELDS project kick-off meeting The FIELDS project on the implementation of a strategic agenda on vocational training in agriculture has started on the 3rd and 4th, February, 2020 in Turin, Italy. The project partners met in order to work on … Read More