Since 2013, the EIP-AGRI has been promoting interactive innovation to make EU agriculture and forestry more sustainable, productive, and fit for the future. A new report shows how the EIP-AGRI has grown into a thriving network. Quotes illustrate the involvement and motivation of farmers, foresters, researchers, advisers, innovation brokers, civil servants and many others from EU member states, for example, Mati Sepp (Estonia), farmer and Focus Group expert – “Participating in the EIP-AGRI Focus Groups on Agroforestry and Renewable energy has been of significant help for my farm development.”
The enthusiasm of the EIP-AGRI network members is essential to the success of the EIP-AGRI and in ensuring that everyone can benefit. Watch this new EIP-AGRI video to hear researchers, farmers, advisers, managing authorities and national rural networks talk about how the EIP-AGRI has helped them over the past 7 years.