SCALE-UP - "Agro-resources and construction" regional platform event

On 21 September in Barenton (Normandy), the SCALE-UP project and the Novéatech committee organised a day devoted to agro-resources, hemp and construction. The day was attended by participants from the regional platform on bio-based building set up in the French Atlantic Arc as part of the project.

Participants were given an update on the SCALE-UP project, including progress on the study of biomass availability for biobased construction. The two bio-based projects to be supported under the SCALE-UP innovation support programme presented their solutions, and the afternoon was devoted to a visit to the Agrochanvre hemp plant.

Access SCALE-UP training resources

Access SCALE-UP training resources Missed the first SCALE-UP training sessions on the bioeconomy? The presentations are now available on the website! Access the presentations and reports by clicking on the…

Support the Transition to a Circular Bioeconomy

Support the Transition to a Circular Bioeconomy The EU-funded SCALE-UP project will support regional multi-actor partnerships to fully exploit their bio-economy potential. An innovative, circular and resource-efficient bioeconomy can offer…


SCALE-UP Concepts, Tools and Applications for Community-driven Bioeconomy Development in European Rural Areas PROGRAMME : Horizon Europe TYPE OF ACTION: Coordination and support (CSA) – Cluster 6 “Food, Bioeconomy, Natural…