Replay - Towards a FABulous CAP

On Friday 11 June 2021, the conference “Towards a FABulous CAP”, a European event on functional agrobiodiversity, took place. The event aimed to answer the following question: How can the EU support the uptake of agro-ecological practices by farmers?

All the partners of the FABulous Farmers project have come together to offer you presentations and meetings on functional agrobiodiversity and European policy documents.


  • An introduction to functional agro-biodiversity.
  • Examples of functional agro-biodiversity (FAB) measures tested in 5 European countries (BE, FR, LUX, NED and UK).
  • The project’s European policy document and recommendations for the new CAP.
  • FAB and EU agricultural legislation (Mr Pierre BASCOU, DG AGRI).
  • FOB and EU environmental legislation (Mr Humberto DELGADO ROSA, DG ENVI).
  • Panel discussion – EU policy makers (Mr Jérémy DECERLE, Mr Christophe HANSEN), Farmers’ unions (Mr Joris BAECKE, Copa Cogeca, ZLTO, LTO), Researchers and Industry (Mr Felix WÄCKERS, Biobest Group NV).

Find the replay of this conference on our website and our Youtube channel. You can also find each intervention and testimony individually on our Youtube channel.

This event was organised in the framework of the Interreg ENO project “FABulous Farmers” in which AC3A and the Regional Chambers of Agriculture of Normandy, Brittany and Pays de la Loire are partners. The online conference is also a partner event of the EU Green Week 2021. More information on the project in English.

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Replay – Towards a FABulous CAP

Replay – Towards a FABulous CAP On Friday 11 June 2021, the conference “Towards a FABulous CAP”, a European event on functional agrobiodiversity, took place. The event aimed to answer…