AC3A publishes the policy recommendations document to support the implementation of functional agro-biodiversity measures in France. Elaborated in the framework of the Interreg NWE FABulous Farmers project, this document presents the following 8 recommendations:
1) Make farmers aware of FAB measures
2) Provide technical support to farmers in the implementation of FAB measures
3) Encourage a better articulation of French public policies with the Common Agricultural Policy in order to strengthen the implementation of FAB measures
4) Support risk-taking results when implementing FOB measures
5) Develop Payments for Environmental Services in relation to biodiversity and FAB measures
6) Create synergies with existing biodiversity conservation programmes
7) Promote European and national research projects to strengthen the implementation of FAB measures
8) Develop partnerships with local stakeholders
The implementation of FAB measures contributes to the enhancement of biodiversity in agricultural environments as well as to the economic resilience of farms.
On 26 June 2023, AC3A is organising a webinar from 10:00 to 11:30 to present these recommendations, register for this event to find out more: registration form.
This event is organised in the framework of the Interreg NWE project “FABulous Farmers” in which AC3A and the Regional Chambers of Agriculture of Normandy, Brittany and Pays de la Loire are partners.